New Website online!
Hey there…
Photography and experimenting with various other techniques like visual design or animation has been a big part of my life for quite some time now. I also had the pleasure and great luck of traveling to a lot of places all over the world and my camera has always been a trusty companion on all of my trips.
I made this site mainly for two reasons. For one, over the years I took a ton of photographs that were laying around, just gathering digital dust and not many people ever got to see most of them. I started to realize that sharing my work and receiving feedback is a great motivation and inspiration for me and is helping me to grow in what I do.
And second, It’s a good way to let friends, family and everyone else know what I’m doing, what I’m into and what I see in the world, as well as capturing those memories for myself.
This website is simply a showcase of shots I took so far and hopefully will continue to take for a long time to come.
Hope you’ll like it…